Monday, April 6, 2009


Another shot of Aubrey from the water filtration plant. It would seem this was my most productive shoot yet, I've already posted 4 other images from it. Even with running a bit late and light fading, we were able to do a bunch of varied setups.

This image was shot on Provia 100F with my trusty 28/2.8 ais on my dads old Nikkormat, a combination I grow more fond of every day. I also shot this digitally, but the flare from the plastic covered windows was nowhere near as pleasing as it is on film. I ended up rejecting the shot because I felt that it didn't define the space adequately. It's also a little bit closer than I normally get to models and consequently more personal. I usually like to step back and let the models really experience the vastness and solitude of the space. This is a bit of a departure from that, but I think it stands pretty well on it's own.

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